Thursday, October 12, 2006

Amsterdam, Holland

Amsterdam, oh Amsterdam. How insane is Amsterdam? You have no idea.

Well, Monday, October 9th, Julie and I hopped on a train at 5 a.m. to get to Amsterdam by 11 a.m. It was long, but well worth it. We headed straight for the cultural things. We hit the Van Gogh museum, and Anne Frank's House a.s.a.p. Both were just as good as I expected.

Julie (far right) and I, dropped our stuff off at our Hostel - called the "flying pig," and met this nice girl from New Zealand. Then we decided that it would be a good idea to go on a pub crawl. Yeah. I know, not such a bright idea.

So the next day, when we finally were able to get out of bed (around noon), we only had enough time to make it to a place called "cannabis college"... and then go souvenir shopping....

As you can see, wooden clogs are a huge thing in Holland.

We found ourselves in the "red light district" - the part of Amsterdam where prostitutes are allowed to stand in windows for sale - prostitution is legal in amsterdam. That was sure weird... no, sorry, no pictures were taken... I tried to spend as little time as possible in that part of town.

We then hopped on a train and went back home to Arras. But first, we had to wait two hours at Paris-Nord train station.

All in all, a fun trip. Half educational... half, well... cultural.


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